Participant Testimonials

Apr 09 - Apr 14, 2023

The organizers planned this workshop very well, and they were very friendly in situs. I more or less did not know anyone in the group as I was the only one from algebraic geometry, but they did integrate me into the group. For me, it was excellent to talk to people from different areas about the tools I use to think about similar problems. I gave a one-hour official talk, and then I gave a two-hour talk in a discussion session, with students, postdocs, and professors. A postdoc just wrote to me to see if any collaboration is possible. A senior professor liked new ideas from my research on an old problem he had been working on for some time. Various students and postdocs asked me questions during coffee breaks or at meals time. All in all, the good thing for me was that several mathematicians now know about my research and the potential connections with their problems.

Giancarlo Urzúa Facultad de Matemáticas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile