Participant Testimonials

Dec 03 - Dec 08, 2023

The talks were high in scientific standard. I encountered new methods for calculating dynamics of vorticity and for visualizing vorticity field, which will be considered in my research. The talks on stability of helical vortices were surprising.

Yasuhide Fukumoto Professor
Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University

BIRS workshops offer always a wonderful opportunity to improve or even boost research and meet world experts and newcomers in a friendly and organised environment. This workshop was perfectly organised and very useful for my research and work progress.

Renzo Ricca University Professor
Department of Mathematics & Applications, University of Milano-Bicocca

The workshop was wonderful. I have attended the workshop online, but the talks are impressive. In particular, it is a good opportunity to get to know researchers from China. One of the participants will visit Japan for a year to do joint work with me next year. I will keep contacting the other participants on this topic in international workshops.

Takashi Sakajo Professor
Department of mathey, Kyoto University